Cora's Nursery

We finished Cora's nursery on Memorial Day. Jake and Vaughn (Jake's dad) set up the crib last week, and we've been filling in the gaps. It's to the point where I shall declare it good.

Jake and Vaughn putting the crib together.

Cora hanging out in her bed, even though technically her bed is our bed. We love our cuddly/sleep with us baby!

Another View

Cora's art. The one on the left is a modified picture of a sculpture called Resurrection. The other is a statue of Mary at the cemetary of the Painted Church in Hawaii.

I think she likes it.


  1. Too cute! I love the colors. Did you guys take those art pictures? I've never seen those before, but then again I don't know art very well.

  2. I am so glad you got it all put together! Yea for her own bedroom!

  3. Way too cute! I LOVE it!! You have the best decorating skills! I have a few rooms that need some decorating...hint, hint! :)

  4. Ryan and i both agree that it's a beautiful baby room! That crib is really gorgeous. Cora is so lucky!



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