The Truth about Cereal

I've eaten cereal for at least 2 meals everyday for the last 4 days. I just finished off a bowl of Kix.

I love it.

There's something about the crunch. We have 'real' food, but Jake hasn't been home for dinner any night this week, and since I'm perfectly content with the prize of our pantry, I haven't bothered making any.

I'm certain I would be able to eat nothing but cereal for the rest of my life.


  1. I love Kix! It's kid tested, mother approved, ya know!

  2. I love Kix also! Cereal is my all time favorite food- well aside from desserts! It makes Darrell crazy that I'll eat that when he's traveling since he thinks I don't get enough vitamins- hello, it tells you right on the box just how much you are getting!! When I'm prego I crave all kinds- when we were dirt poor while I was pregnant with Lexi it would make us both cringe when we had to buy more cereal because it started getting so expensive! Then we were introduced to Malt O Meal bags!
    Happy crunching!

  3. It must be a genetic thing. I definately could live off of ceral alone. My kids are the same way. You should see my kitchen. We have to stock up when it is on sale, since we have so many kidos. We ran out of room in the cabinet, pantry and food storage overflow, so we now have ceral beautifully displayed as our on top of the cabinets decor. Some people have pretty things up their. Not us. We just have honey nut cherrios, lucky charms, and cinnamon toast crunch. At less than $2.00 for the huge boxes you have to stock pile.



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