Sweet Memory

I was looking through some pictures when I saw this one. Everything about it made me smile. We laughed and laughed at the headband. Cora was three weeks old wearing one of two little preemie outfits that were my favorites. They were so soft and cute. This one had little puppies on it. She was swaddled, but only half-way, she didn't like when we would swaddle her arms but loved having the rest of her body wrapped up tightly in a blanket. 

We're sitting on the couch we got as a "YAY we graduated from college" present to ourselves. Cora's spit-up pretty much destroyed the upholstery. Oh the sacrifices. And in the background my Saint Anthony jug-o-water and Sue Monk Kidd's The Mermaid Chair are sitting next to the rocking chair where I would nurse Cora. You can also see the soft glow of the night light. I would wake up every three hours, on the dot, to a little face nuzzling up next to me. We'd make our way out to the chair in the living room where the epic feeding would begin. It took me a week to read The Mermaid Chair by night light during those nightly feedings. Sure, it was great when we no longer needed the assistance of a shield for mealtimes, and I could feed her in bed and get a lot more sleep. But those three-and-a-half months of getting up with her in the earliest hours of the morning and going to our special spot for her forty-five minute long meals were so precious. My heart is [extra] overflowing with love her tonight.  


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