I'm at Jake's old church's church camp right now. The one where I was possibly going to do something with ceramics. I got here and had no idea i was going to be doing anything with it until I was wandering through the new art building and saw my name on a paper on the door. I went there the next day, like I was supposed to, and there are three other guys teaching what's supposed to be an intro. to ceramics class. I was excited to not be solo at it...then I found out their credentials. One is a ceramics engineer (I didn't know it existed either). One has a masters in ceramics, and the other a 7 year student, who is majoring (one out of his three majors) in ceramics. I felt really awesome that I'd taken one semester in high school (though I did come away with a really awesome cabbage pot and outhouse). They were all told that I was a professional potter. I only wish I was that cool. Anway, I'm not really helping out with that class because most kids want to use the wheel, and I am a newby at that one, so thought i'd be more in the way than anything else. So I've been hanging out with Jake a ton, following the music that he plays and hoping that Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat really can come together in a week. Jake is going to teach me how to play piano when we get home...that way if we ever come back here I can play the 2nd piano part in whatever show they do. I just don't think Jake ever really wants to come back.
I think it would be fun to be the organist at church, AWESOME...with the big pipe organ and a congregation swelling behind me.
I want to judge people less. I don't think I'm really ever very mean, I sure hope I'm not anyway, but I don't want to think anything unkind about anyone...because I think that thinking it is nearly just as bad as ever saying something. I don't know how to overcome the automatic thoughts that pop into my head, but I've started saying three nice things about someone if I ever think something not nice about them.
I think it would be fun to be the organist at church, AWESOME...with the big pipe organ and a congregation swelling behind me.
I want to judge people less. I don't think I'm really ever very mean, I sure hope I'm not anyway, but I don't want to think anything unkind about anyone...because I think that thinking it is nearly just as bad as ever saying something. I don't know how to overcome the automatic thoughts that pop into my head, but I've started saying three nice things about someone if I ever think something not nice about them.