We went to the Holdenville Public Library today [Grace M. Pickens Public Library]. They had some free books as well as some for sale. In the free pile, I picked up an older edition of On Writing Well. After I picked it up, I found The Good Earth at the bottom of the box. Then I went into another room with more boxes of books. I came across a Childcraft dictionary, and was almost giddy, then I saw that the whole box was full of the complete Childcraft: The How and Why Library. I went up to the librarian and asked her how much the books were. She said that the hardbacks go for $2.00 each. I quickly started thinking of a number when she said "but if you want the whole set, I can do it for $5.00." We now have the whole 15 book How and Why Library, plus the dictionary. The books are in perfect condition, and are from a later edition. My favorite title of the 15 books is "Mathemagic." Cora is going to need a book shelf all to herself.
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You got a steal! I LOVED those books growing up! Cora will love them too!